About Us

Andrew G. Schneider (Writer and Game Designer) Andrew always wanted to be a wizard when he grew up; now he makes magic with words. When not writing, he hunts the wild dust bunny and makes a mean pot of French onion soup. He lives in Washington, D.C., believes in unicorns, and is married to a wonderful woman who believes in him.

His work is available from iTunes, Amazon, and wherever e-books are sold:

Amanda Spaid (Artist) Amanda is a fine artist and freelance Illustrator in the DC Metro area. Her subjects and mediums are wide, ranging from traditional oil, acrylic and colored pencil portraits of people and animals, to digital paintings with Sci-fi/Fantasy themes. She's a Maryland native, has a degree in Fine Arts from the School of Art and Design at Montgomery College in Silver Spring and a Bachelor's in Illustration from Columbus College of Art and Design in Ohio. Check out her other work here.

Ivan Oberholster (Music and Sound Design) Both a composer and sound engineer, Ivan has recorded and mixed more than 700 hours of foley for various TV shows and movies; he was also the head Supervising Music Editor for 80 M-net Africa films. He has qualifications in music theory, classical guitar, bass guitar, and composing classical music. He is based in Los Angeles.

Stephanie Martinez (Graphic Designer) Stephanie Martinez is a freelance graphic designer, with a Bachelor's from Drexel University. She's also a homemaker and proud mother of two infuriating children. Nocked is her first game.

Unmapped Path (Disbound game engine) Nocked is a collaboration with Unmapped Path, a Baltimore-based digital studio founded by Joel Haddock and Chris Klimas. Unmapped Path creates interactive narrative experiences on desktop and mobile devices with a focus on the use of the Twine platform.